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Question: I am responsible for a team of customer service agents who deal with students. My team finds it difficult to deal with the entitlement expectations of these students.

ur path: Generational differences are often at the heart of conflicts like these. Understanding the values of each generation can greatly enhance the communication between generations and improve customer service.


Question: I always have more work than I can complete in a day, yet my co-workers always seem to be able to get everything finished. Should I tell my boss that I have too much work? What can I do to level my workload?

ur path: Sometimes individual workload can appear to be uneven due to unskilled work habits. Learning to work smarter, not harder, can help in many areas of one’s life.


Question: I have a team that never wants to do what I ask of them. They frequently leave things undone, or negotiate a different outcome. What can I do to get them to fall in line?

ur path: Good leadership skills are a vital component to getting people to follow you. Acquiring basis leadership tools can help.


Question: I recently got promoted to supervisor and now my friends won’t go to lunch with me. What am I doing wrong?

ur path: People often respond to the position rather than the person. Learning what to expect and how to lead effectively can make your transition much smoother.


Question: I have one person in my department who is very argumentative and often hijacks my meetings. It’s easier to talk with everyone one-on-one to get things done. I have talked with HR about this and they won’t let me fire the individual. What can I do?

ur path: Learning how to handle difficult people is an invaluable proficiency that all leaders must possess to be successful. It is also a life skill that can enhance all relationships. Fortunately, these skills can be learned.


Question: My team does only what is expected – the bare minimum. At the end of the day they fly out the door and don’t look back. What can I do to change this attitude? Shouldn’t they be grateful to have a job?

ur path: Discretionary effort, or the difference between doing ‘just enough’ or the ‘best job possible,’ occurs when a person is invested in what they are doing. To create an environment where employees feel they and the work they do matters is the path to discretionary effort. How to motivate them is the key to gaining their top performance.