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If your business or nonprofit organization is not where you want to be ...

Even if you can't pinpoint precisely what the problem is -- it's time to make a change.

Whether your needs are assessing underlying tensions or learning how to communicate through generational or cultural
differences, Paula Presnoples and the team at ur path consulting can help you use the power of change to your best advantage.
With a wealth of experience working with nonprofits and fortune 500 companies, Paula speaks the language of change, directly
and confidently. She focuses on ROI and improving the quality of worklife. And she gets results.


The offerings listed below represent the most sought after programs from ur path consulting, however all programs are designed to the specific needs of the organization.


Paula can adapt or develop any program to the special needs of your organization.


normalEvaluating What Your Organization Needs:

It's not uncommon to know your organization is struggling, but find it difficult to pinpoint the source of the problem. If you need help identifying what's going on in your organization, invite ur path for a consultation. After a discussion with your team, Paula will be happy to provide you with a quote (quote depends on size of business and programs required), conduct an evaluation and agree upon an action plan.

Corporate Culture:

Whether you are a business of ten or 10,000, every organization has an inherent culture.
Corporate culture can help achieve goals or create unwanted obstacles that slow down work, individual
achievement and growth. Paula can help guide your organization into healthier, more productive culture,
improving productivity and supporting your goals.

Discretionary Effort:

Do the members of your team do only what is expected, never going above and beyond?

The difference between doing only what is expected and doing whatever it takes, is discretionary effort.

It is through discretionary effort that an average team or organization can break through to outstanding
achievement. ur path consulting can help identify the obstructions to discretionary effort and provide the tools to improve individual performance.


Time Management:

Everybody is busy. It's how you successfully manage the time you have that makes the difference in productivity results.

Paula provides tools to boost time management skills and delivers highly effective methods for improvement.


Ethics & Values:

Ethics and values are subjective terms that mean different things to different people.

If you want your organization's definition of ethics and values to line up with company goals,

you need to get everyone on the same page.

Paula works with management and individual contributors to provide new understanding and training to align and improve organization ethics and values.


Customer Service:

Many famous companies became brilliantly successful based on providing an extraordinary level of customer service.

If your organization isn't living up to organizational standards, Paula can help you put new systems in place to challenge tired expectations and obtain employee buy-in.


Emotional Intelligence:

The best leaders excel in EI. And it's an absolute requirement for upward mobility in most organizations.

If emotional intelligence is lacking in your firm, it's time to find out why and address the need.

Great program for new managers!


Conflict Resolution:

Every relationship at every level involves some conflict.

Some people, organizations and some teams, however, seem to attract more conflict than others.

Learn why and how to problem-solve, deescalate tension and reduce conflict.

This is another great program for new managers.